Monday, January 14, 2013

Essential oils, nutrition, water, ATTITUDE!

Leiomyosarcoma is hard to beat.  Here are some things I do to combat this awful cancer.

I said in an earlier post that when I was on chemo my doctors told me I couldn't do any supplementation because it might counteract the chemotherapy.  I did as I was told especially when I participated in a clinical trial at Mayo.  I had to do what they said because they were collecting data on us so we all had to be doing the same things.

When I was told I had to do chemo the third time I rebelliously decided to take my life in my own hands and do everything I could to combat it.

I am taking Temador.  The first round of Temador had my hemoglobin levels dangerously low.  They decided I needed a blood transfusion.  I lay in a recliner and watched someone else's blood drip into my veins.  After that I decided to supplement.  I started taking high doses of Vitamin C and some other supplements.  My blood has been good ever since.  From 7.6 to 11.8 consistently.

I also use essential oils.  I rub oil of oregano, orange, frankincense, sandalwood, thieves - I mix it up - right where my tumors are.  I've done research on these and they are said to be anti-cancer.  I will also rub on the bottom of my feet and I use a mist aromatherapy machine to get the oils into the air.

I try to eat a plant based diet.  The juicing enforces that.  The more alkaline my body, the more the cancer cells have a hard time.

I only drink filtered water and it is my drink of choice.  I went to church last night and they had water.  I drank it and almost spit it out.  It was obviously tap water which is not filtered enough.  It tasted horrible.  If you live in West Des Moines, Iowa the water is notoriously bad!

But the number one thing I do to combat my cancer is to have a fighting, positive attitude.  I believe many people die from cancer because when they hear the diagnosis, they give up.  Somewhere in their brain they say, "This is it!  It got me."  Me?  I don't think that way.  I have been lucky to have found two people who have lived a long life with LMS.  One man over 30 years and my new friend, Ilene for over 16.  I figure if others can beat it, so can I.  I live WITH cancer.  Someday I hope to be free of it.  My oncologist says hang in there.  There were cancers in the past that would kill you and now no one dies from them anymore because they found a treatment that works!!!


  1. I just found your blog upon researching LMS and essential oils. I was diagnosed 4 weeks ago with Uterine LMS, Stage 1B, confined to uterus. Had total hysterectomy and my CT scans came back clean. As you very well know there is little evidence that any one treatment lowers recurrence. I am taking the route of observation with 4 mo scans and i have changed my diet to mostly vegetables and adding supplements.

    I would love to hear back from you.


  2. I just found your blog upon researching LMS and essential oils. I was diagnosed 4 weeks ago with Uterine LMS, Stage 1B, confined to uterus. Had total hysterectomy and my CT scans came back clean. As you very well know there is little evidence that any one treatment lowers recurrence. I am taking the route of observation with 4 mo scans and i have changed my diet to mostly vegetables and adding supplements.

    I would love to hear back from you.


  3. Hello Kelly and Traci! I am so encouraged by this blog. I have been on the positive side of life ever since my diagnosis of LMS just after my hysterectomy on August 3rd of this year. I never saw an oncologist because I didn't want to hear anyone tell me that I was terminal and was going to die. That is for no man to decide. I choose to live! I started on the Gerson Therapy which is primarily juicing and coffee enemas and supplements. They removed a 12.5 lb mass from my abdomen which was primarily in/on my uterus. I am moving forward in life, after researching LMS, assuming that I still have cancer and will continue doing everything I can to live. Best wishes to the both of you and anyone else who finds this blog.

  4. What supplements can I use? I have LMS. Thank you
