Thursday, July 4, 2013

Customer Service RANT!! I am NOT happy!!!

I owned a business for 17 years.  During that time I learned that in order to keep customers and grow your business, you need to gain customers and keep them.  Keep them with exceptional customer service and going the extra mile in order to turn them into loyal, good will ambassadors for your company.

Last year in August I put a $750 deposit down at the Events Center West in WDM for an event in July 2013.  In October I called and said the event was off and I would like my deposit back.  That was 9 months before the event.  The manager told me the only way I would get my deposit back was if they rented the space out for that day.  Well that time has come and gone and I have received no money back.  I don't know about you but $750 is a LOT of money for me.  I told her I use social media a lot and could really give them some great public relations.  I also talk a lot and the word of mouth kudos I would give them would be invaluable.  I didn't, however, threaten her in any way and tell her that I could also do harm to her business by informing the public of their strict policies.

She did tell me that if I book another event there I can put the $750 towards THAT event.

Well, I'm here to tell you that in this economy and in this day and age it is not wise to make the customer angry.  There is nothing worse for business than disappointing a customer.

I've seen it over and over again.  The businesses that do everything in their power to exceed the customer's expectations are the ones who flourish and succeed!!

I AM NOT A HAPPY CAMPER!!  READ THE FINE PRINT IN CONTRACTS THAT YOU SIGN.  I cancelled a number of other things as well,  Caterer.  No fine.  Church.  No fine.  Everyone was very gracious and asked me to come back if they ever had another event.

I did.  I went right back to HyVee to cater my daughter's graduation open house.  In fact, when I told her about the Events Center West fiasco, she gave me 10% off!!  You can bet I will use HyVee over and over again.  But Event's Center West?  I cannot guarantee even with the promise of the $750 being taken off my bill that I will return.  They basically have held captive $750 of my hard earned cash!!

Buyer Beware!!!!

Then I told her of a couple of people I have worked with.  People that through me and my positive ratings have gained so much more business because of it.  I'm not trying to pat myself on the back, I told her I was an Influencer.  That person who makes a point of telling everybody what a good experience I had.  I like helping people out.  But don't disappoint me.  Not only will I not come back to you, but I will warn everyone I know to beware of questionable business practices!!

Enough Said!

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