Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Heart issues addressed

So it was found I had heart damage due to a horrible chemotherapy called doxirubicin or adriamyacin.  Same drug, different names.  You'll know if you ever get this drug.  It's red.  The nurse has to come in and push it into your IV.  It doesn't work for it to drip for some reason.  Anyway, seconds after they push it and unhook you, you can go to the bathroom and your urine is red.  They warn you not to be alarmed.  It is not blood, it's the drug.

So anyway, this drug kicked me in the bum.  I was bald.  I slept a lot.  I was in a clinical trial.  They used that drug with an additive called Theshold.  It was working for quite some time.  Then things turned and they performed surgery.  Little did I know it would effect me like a heart attack.  My heart muscle does not pump enough blood through my heart so I get tired quickly and out of breath.  I cannot exercise like I used to (which wasn't much.....)

So anyway, I got good news.  The Coreg is working.  My ejection fracture went for 41% to 45% since the drug.  If I can get to 50% I will be considered in the normal range.  That's a great goal, I think.

I've also been exposed to a study on Melatonin to help with leiomyosarcoma.  Jeff and my master does not have darkening shades or curtains and the neighbor across the street always leaves all their outdoor lights on.  The room never gets dark.  Well, a study shows that if your body does not have adequate darkness, it can interrupt sleep patterns and actually cause cancer.  The study shows that melatonin helps your body get into a regular rhythm and that may help with leio.  So that all sounds great.

So now I do vitamin C, D, Magnesium, Melatonin, Milk Thistle (for liver) Ubiquitol which is a more potent form of CoQ10.  Plus a cleaner diet.  I also drink Trevo.

So that's what's going on now.  I think I'm pretty much recovered from my liver ablation.  That took a week.  I'm on my two week break from chemo so I feel pretty good!!  Hurray!

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