Last night I went to a Fleetwood Mac concert. I remember hearing their songs while visiting my friends, Debbie and Diana Izbicki in my Junior year of high school. It seemed every time I went out East to see my friends I would be turned on to some new song that hadn't made it's way all the way to the Midwest. I'd come home and tell my friends, "you've got to hear this!"
So last night I huffed and puffed as we made it to our seats. Everyone around me had gray hair. For the most part the crowd was old. Yes, there were younger people who were probably turned on to Fleetwood Mac by their parents.
Little did we know (back in my high school days) that we were experiencing some of the greatest music recorded. My husband told me that besides Thriller by Michael Jackson, the record Rumors by Fleetwood Mac is one of the all time best selling records EVER.
I guess a lot of people look back at the 70s and see Disco. Studio 54. Some truly ugly fashion and make up and have preconceived notions about how it was back then. The truth is, life was simpler. No, we didn't have computers, or smartphones. Heck most of the people didn't have a microwave. Our cars all had rear wheel drive and we had to be really good drivers to get our cars up steep hills in the winter. We were young and full of life.
There was some great, rocking music back in the day. Straight out drumming, guitar playing rock and roll. That's why to this day, people with gray hair - old people can still rock!! Hahahaha
But what I cannot believe is how much time that has gone by since then. I was 17 when Rumors was released.
Thirty six years later the group can still rock. Stevie looks great! Lindsey Buckingham can play a mean guitar and sing. Mick Fleetwood? I was worried he was going to fall over dead of a heart attack. No man pushing 70 should be able to rock a set of drums like he did last night!!!
We were reminiscing about our youth and we realized when that record came out, our parents were in their 30s!! Yes, in a blink of an eye my life has passed.
You get out of high school and go to college. You get married. You have kids. Then when you have your kids time is set to high speed. Just look at your children. Do you have little ones? How fast did that first 5 years go? Imagine that in 3 more segments of 5 years, your child will be 20. And you will be that much older. I am convinced that when you are a young parent, it sends you into a time warp and you come out the other side with grown kids and grand kids.
The topic of conversation at my 35th class reunion was just that. How did we get this old? How did that new album by Fleetwood Mac turn into a Classic? How did my little children turn into adults?
I cannot fathom it. I'm sure if my grandma was still here she would tell me how fast her 95 years went. I've heard some things like "Life is a vapor." I believe it now. You don't believe it when you are young but you will. I promise you, you will and it will happen faster than you ever anticipated it!!!
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